About Mary

  1. Mary, Mirror of the Church, Fr. Raneiro Cantalamessa (preacher to the papal household) – This book changed my relationship to Mary, or maybe I should say, began the restoration of  my relationship with Mary.
  2. Handmaid of the Lord, Adrienne von Speyr – and this book helped bring it to completion.
  3. Mary Mother of God, Her Life in Icons and Scripture, Giovanna ParraviciniThis book is a combination of two of my favorite things: beautiful icons and beautiful quotes, all celebrating the life of our Mother.
  4. A Woman Wrapped in Silence, John W. Lynch – a classic.
  5. Our Lady and the Church, Hugo Rahner – “a profound mediation on the riches to be found in the writings of the Early Church Fathers about Mary.”  A good treatment of the almost synonymity between Mary and the Church
  6. Morning Star, Conferences on the Virgin Mary, Marie-Dominique Philippe
  7. Mystery of Mary, Mary, Model of the Growth of Christian Life, Marie-Dominique Philippe – both of these books on Mary by Fr. Philippe are obviously the fruit of much prayer.
  8. Redeemer in the Womb, John Saward – “This book is a unique and profound theological meditation on The nine months the God-man spent in His Virgin Mother’s womb.  Drawing on Christian philosophy, poetry, liturgy, as well as the Fathers and great theologians of the Church, Saward shows that faithin the Incarnation commits the believer inescapably to the defense of the unborn child.”  Amen.
  9. Cradle of Redeeming Love, John Saward – You could almost call this the sequel to the previous book.  This does the same with the mystery of Christ’s incanation and birth.
  10. Mysteries of the Virgin Mary, Living Our Lady’s Graces, Fr. Peter John Cameron.  If someone were to ask me what book I would recommend on Mary if I could only recommend one, this may very well be it.  Fr. Peter John Cameron is the editor of Magnificat.

Check back periodically for more listings.

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