Eastern Catholicism/Orthodoxy

  1. Mary Mother of God, Her Life in Icons and Scripture, Giovanna Parravicini This book is a combination of two of my favorite things: beautiful icons and beautiful quotes, all celebrating the life of our Mother.
  2. Light from the East, Michael Evdokimova similar book to the previous one, but centered on the great feasts of the Church Year.
  3. Father Arseny 1893-1973, Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father  and  A Cloud of Witnesses, Vera Bouteneff the story of one of my heroes–”I want to be like him when I grow up”.    The true story of a Russian Orthodox priest who was a beacon of love and light wherever he was, including years in the Soviet prison camps. Reading these books will change your life.  (I’ve read them both at least three times and have purchased copies for numerous priest-friends.)
  4. 101 Questions and Answers on Eastern Catholic Churches, Edward Faulk.
  5. Facing East, Frederica Mathewes-Greene – the story of her (and her husband’s journey) from agnostic to Orthodoxy.  An interesting and delightful read.  Well-written.

What are your thoughts?